Sunday, February 21, 2016


This is what it's like driving to work in the morning....

It's time to make sausage....

Kyle....sharpening knives....he did an amazing job!

Added snow and some blur to the next two shots....

More appropriate for Project Hands....

365 update

Playing catch up again....

42/365  Momma and Daisy
aurora sky

43/365 Gizmo
milk and honey

44/365 country road on the way to work
Silver Dream

45/365 Gizmo again with such a pathetic look on his face
hazy summer

46/365 It's sausage making time....
all in one clean edit

47/365 sharpening knives
silver dream
48/365 Mike "the healer" and Logan
Rustic Winter with vignette
49/365 It's takes so many.....

50/365 The cat......she wanted in so badly.....
Winter Light, add snow, soft blur

51/365 Knives

winter light, snow, blur

53/365 Gizmo after a bath

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The last week or so in photos....

Here are more shots of the old truck....

Finished in pretty onyx

Finished in pretty onyx

Finished in Summer Haze

Finished in pretty onyx

Finished in pretty onyx
Farm implements are cool, especially in black and white.  This is a post hole digger attachment for the tractor:
Summer haze

Of course, gotta have a shot of the backhoe and the cat.....
Finished in pretty onyx

Finished with woodsy matte
Here's the cat just being a cat....snotty:
Finished in pretty onyx
And, Prince refusing to get up in the morning....yes, this is how he sleeps at night:
Finished in Sugar & Spice Sepia
Sophie lovin the snow yesterday!
All in one clean edit, brighten center

Sunrise from last weekend:
Hazy matte

The lake with the fresh snow:
Pretty Onyx

Pretty Onyx
And, lastly, dinner last night....just because I wanted to catch the steam.
All in one clean edit

Project 365

39/365  A friend came over in his old beat up pick up truck.  I love it!
Finished with Pretty Onyx

40/365  Another friend sells Coke.  She hooked me up with this awesome Coke cooler for my office!
Finished with Pretty Onyx

41/365  And, this is Miss Kitty.  Frankly, she's a bitch.  She was laying on the back of the recliner.  I put my lens cap there about 8 inches away from her.  She reached out and knocked it off.  Then, I put my lens cap in a spot at least 2 feet from her.  She got up, knocked it off, and laid back down.  As I'm yelling at her that she is such a bitch, this is the look on her face.
Finished with Pretty Onyx

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

38/365--Project 365

38/365 A major project that I have going on right now is working with the Washington County Historical Society. It is my objective to digitize their entire collection. This is quite a project and I am just getting started. This is shot is from my first round of images...I shot nearly every artifact at the L&N Train Depot. Of course, for the project there will be no artistic vision....but, for my personal collection, I finished it with Cafe au Lait.

Finished with Cafe au Lait

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Project 365 update

Playing catch up again.....33/365

Finished with Sterling, increased vignette, add grain.


36/365  Sunrise.
Finished with Spice it up.

37/365  Sunrise
Finished with Copperfields.