Shutterbug Lawyer:
Refreshing my photography skills and learning the digital world of processing images. All the while just trying to remind myself that there is more to life than practicing law!
Your SOOC looks perfectly exposed and the WB is very good. If I had to guess I'd say your monitor might need to be calibrated or you pushed your saturation levels too high on the yellows. When first using LR, it's easy to go too far with the sliders. I've got some seriously over saturated images that I did a few years ago. Just keep at it and remember, you can always go back to the beginning if you don't like how it looks. ;-)
Your SOOC looks perfectly exposed and the WB is very good. If I had to guess I'd say your monitor might need to be calibrated or you pushed your saturation levels too high on the yellows. When first using LR, it's easy to go too far with the sliders. I've got some seriously over saturated images that I did a few years ago. Just keep at it and remember, you can always go back to the beginning if you don't like how it looks. ;-)