Sunday, October 4, 2015

Homecoming 2015

Last night was Kyle's homecoming dance.  I first met this young man when he was three years old.  I don't know where the time went and I cannot believe what a young man he is now.  I was lucky enough to take some pictures of Kyle and his girlfriend before the dance.  His girlfriend is a beautiful, sweet young lady who is on the cheerleading squad.  I only mention that because she seems to naturally know exactly how to stand and pose!  I tried to take shots from the pick up through pictures at the park....a little bit of a story.  A couple of the shots are slightly blurry due to movement.  Despite that, I think they turned out okay.  It was grey and chilly out....nice if you're wearing two sweaters....downright cold if your dressed for the homecoming dance!

At Emily's house.

They were ready to get out of there.

A little blurred in parts, but I really wanted to show off Emily's awesome shoes!!

What a gentleman, putting her in the car.

At the park to take pictures and Emily runs into a friend.

Walking over to the waterfall.

Waiting for the adults to get organized.

Still waiting and now she's freezing!



This one probably turned out the best.

Black and white.

Kyle and his mother

Kyle and his father

All of us...the eyes are blurred.

Despite the goofing off, this shot turned out well.

Kyle, his mother, and other dad.

Sepia tone

Kyle, Emily, and Emily's little brother

At this point, the kids were done with me and my pictures.  I could hardly get them to stand still.

Last one, I promise!!!  I can tell by the look on his face, Kyle is ready to go!

I caught this one by accident when I was just testing out the light and settings.

Again, another test shot.  I think Emily's mom will like to have it.

Kyle and his mom.  These are some extras that I decided to process just to have the extra choices.

They look so much alike.  Kyle--This is what you will look like when you're 42!!!
I haven't heard yet how the rest of the night went for the kids, but I'm sure "it was fine."  Haha.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pictures. I can't believe how grown up he has gotten. Yup looks just like Pat. I'm sharing this post to my timeline.
