Here are a couple of pics from earlier today. I was trying to get a good shot for my 365. I ended up using something else, but thought I would process these just to see if I could do something with them. They turned out okay. The last shot is an eyes shot again. I am considering making this it's own project as well. Eyes are the windows to the soul. It might be interesting to shoot the eyes and the hands of the same people and possibly show them together....see if you can gain an accurate image of the person by looking at those two parts. Interesting thought.
ISO400; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/30 sec all in one clean edit; darken exposure; sharpen; vignette strong |
ISO400; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/30sec all in one clean edit; increase contrast; darken exposure |
ISO400; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/125 crop; hand edit brushes; heal wrinkles under eyes; smooth wrinkles forehead; increase contrast; increase exposure |
I recognize that frog and those tired eyes my dear. Nice pics