Sunday, July 19, 2015


One day Miss day, you're going in!

Too much light in the background.  Tried a different preset to tone it down.

Hot puppy.....

Texas Trip

Gizmo and I went to visit my friends, Tina and Ben, in Texas just have July 4th.  Tina is the classic southern hostess and Gizmo took full advantage!  I was trying to do some manual exposures and learn how to do it correctly while I was waiting for sleeping beauty to rise and shine! :)

I used a blue preset on these and the blue sheet with the periwinkle walls made the shot turn out really nice.

I was having trouble with this one so I flipped it to black and white.  It works.

Still learning exposure for dim light.  Used a blue preset on this one and not on the other one.

City of South Lake and Tarrant County Courthouse.  Very cool and lots of shots.

Brownstones in South down on the sidewalk shooting straight up....trying to learn to shoot perspective.

I just thought these doors were absolutely gorgeous.

Trying to show the flow of the long row of brownstones....having a bit of trouble yet.

Worked on shooting these fountains for quite awhile learning how to freeze the water.  Some of the shots turned out really cool.

My favorite shot of the courthouse....crooked on purpose.

I don't recall what Tina was doing, but I was trying to shoot her through the water worked!  I get excited when I actually plan a shot and it turns out how I imagined it!

Just for fun and to see how it would look.

This is the trip to the Watergardens in Fort Worth.  I was very excited to shoot this at dusk, but once I started was extremely difficult.  Then, I also had to walk down the steps into this fountain and nearly had a heart attack.  Later, that night Ben told me all about how some years ago several people died in this fountain after falling off the steps.  There was a malfunction, but still.  Thank God he didn't tell me that before we went!

These were taken from the Watergardens looking at the buildings around the area.  The sky turned out pretty neat.

Added a blue preset to this one and I liked the way it turned out.

Ben....splashing water on Tina and I as we try to be creative.

Strange, but neat, statue.  I liked the movement in the trees.  Frankly, I don't know how that happened but I like the end result.

Back to the big fountain and really cool blue presets!  Fancy!

This was a super defined preset which I thought came out pretty amazing.

Completely naked guy with full details!  There was a sign before you went into this area which warned the visitor of the upcoming nudity.

Grainy.....thinking Tina while she's shooting.

Tina really wanted to get up in there and capture all of the details!!! haha

Grapevine, Texas....nice little place with a cool bartender who really knows how to "girly up" a whisky! ;)

Clock at the train depot.

I thought this was very cool because it's the old Cotton Exchange.

Nice signage.....Cotton Belt Hotel.  This is on the Chamber of Commerce Building.

Glassblowing shop.

Grapevine Jail.

All in all....a great trip!  Thanks, Tina and Ben for being such wonderful and gracious hosts!!!