Saturday, August 8, 2015

Lots of work to do....

I've been shooting pretty regularly, but haven't been editing as much as I, not posting at all.  So, here is some stuff that I shot on 8/2/2015:

How can you not love this face???????

Taken 8/2/2015; ISO400; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/160sec; Raw Color 02
 See that Tina????? ^^^^ He's in focus.  Background blurry.  Nailed it on the first day with the new glass!!!  hahaha  Thanks to you for the lessons!

Taken 8/2/2015; ISO400; 50mm; f/7.1; 1/8sec; Color Optimum

Taken 8/2/2015; ISO400; 50mm; f/5.0; 1/800sec; Capture One Landscape
I removed a blue barrel.  Can you tell?????  I sure hope not.  There is nothing just laying around our property except for 2 bright blue items....the bright blue fish barrel in the lake and the bright blue tarp covering a pile of hay bales from the first hay cutting!  Call me if you need some alfalfa hay.

Miss Kitty did a great modeling job for me.  I was practicing with my prime lens and blurring out the backgrounds.  She did a great job and I managed to get some nice looking images.  Hopefully, you'll agree:

Taken 8/2/2015; ISO400; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/500sec; Color Optimum

Taken 8/2/2015; ISO400; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/500sec; Color Optimum

Taken 8/2/2015; ISO400; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/500sec; Color Optimum

Taken 8/2/2015; ISO400; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/1000sec; Color Optimum

Taken 8/2/2015; ISO400; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/640sec; Color Optimum
She's a jerk a lot of the time, but she was so good for me on this day.  Like any cat, she just loves to be the center of attention.  It took a few shots to get the hang of it again.  But, once I did, depth of field really isn't hard.  I almost feel like a little bit of a cheater with the digital camera because of the preview!

Look at this goofy guy (who absolutely was NOT a good model for me that day!):

Taken 8/2/2015; ISO400; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/320sec; HDR Light with additional manual adjustments
Ever notice how his nostril is funny looking?  That's from when Pat accidentally sliced Prince's nose open with a box cutter one Sunday afternoon.  That warranted a trip to the vet on emergency call and the vet had to cauterize Prince's nose.  By the way, tough guy Pat almost passed out.  Kyle had to assist the vet because Pat couldn't do it.  haha :)

Taken 8/2/2015; ISO400; 50mm; f/6.3; 1/320sec; cropped
Just for fun ^^^....trying to create a feeling of movement and floating on the water.  More practice and I'll get it, but this was a good first try.

Taken 8/2/2015; ISO400; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/1250; Capture One Landscape
So, this kid is going to be 16 in a month.  I still remember when he was 3 telling me I had to wipe his butt.  My response was not enthusiastic....I'll tell you that.  He'll be on the road on his own and his mother and I will both probably have strokes in no time.  His dads will be cool with it...of course.

Taken 8/2/2015; ISO800; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/20sec; BW Dependable
Taken 8/2/2015; ISO800; 50mm; f/1.8; 1/50sec; Color Optimum
This guy....^^.....

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